Hybrid Rye

Hybrid rye’s low take-all carryover, ability to outcompete pernicious weeds such as blackgrass and its high yields from modest inputs is making it a real contender for the second cereal spot in many rotations. At Hunt Agri we think it’s a crop with so much going for it, it’s easy to see why its area has nearly doubled in the last six years as more and more growers understand its full potential.

It’s a crop with a robust root system and this not only helps improve soil structure, it also adds to hybrid rye’s drought tolerance, makes hybrid rye ideal for light land and the increasingly varied growing conditions and climate we now face. Rye also needs around 25% less water than either wheat or barley in a typical growing season, too.


The most popular rye grown in the UK!

KWS Tayo is an excellent option for pig finishing or sow rations. With high grain and straw yields plus low growing costs. Food industry uses include flour, breakfast cereals and distilling or malt. KWS Tayo offers robust stem stiffness compared to older hybrids.

Data source:

Danish farmer union trials, KWS UK Obs, KWS Lochow Breeder Obs, Bundessortenamt

  • Development to reach GS31 – Medium
  • Development to reach GS51 – Medium
  • Wholecrop silage maturity 30-40% DM
  • Grain harvest (moisture %) – 13-15%
  • Grain yield 11-13 t/ha
  • Drought tolerance High
  • Harvest index (grains/ear) Very high
  • Lodging – 1
  • Straw length (cm) 110-132


Fire up your rye yields and grain quality!

KWS Serafino offers a leading harvest index (grains/ear), with excellent hagberg (HFN) and sample quality. KWS Serafino is an excellent option for pig finishing or sow rations. With high grain and straw yields plus low growing costs. Food industry uses include flour, breakfast cereals and distilling or malt.

Data source:

Danish farmer union trials, KWS UK Obs, KWS Lochow Breeder Obs, Bundessortenamt

  • Excellent stem stiffness and brown rust resistance
  • Multi-purpose hybrid (AD or grain; feed, flour and distilling)
  • No.1 harvest index (grains/ear) to drive grain yield